Managers Residence Permit

Welcome to your International Management Transfer

Thank you for being interested in a Dutch Residence Permit for managers and directors.

This inquiry if totally free of any change.
Through the following inquiry, you can easily find out what your chance will be if you would apply for a Dutch Residence Permit. Please do take into consideration that the result of this inquiry is not more than an estimation of your chances based on the answers that you will provide. Your actual legal chances can be different.
To be sure of your chances, please do contact us after completing this inquiry.

Are you a director or a manager at a company outside the European Union?

Are you the only director/manager of the company?

Are you the owner/shareholder of that company which is outside the European Union?

Do you own more than 50% of the shares of the company which is outside the European Union?

Does that company have any other branch in any other country?

How many employees does the company have?

Is the company in your homeland economically active?

What is the gross annual revenue of the company or the branch that you work for?

How much is your gross monthly salary?

Is the company that you work for willing or going to pay you a higher monthly salary if you would move to the Netherlands/European Union?

Is the company for which you work willing to open a branch or a daughter company in the Netherlands and have economical activities?

Will the branch activities in the Netherlands start before you are moved to the Netherlands?

Are you willing to spend €50,000.- to obtain a residence permit for you and your family?